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[1] Murphy i in. (2017) 100 % Fruit juice and measures of glucose control and insulin sensitivity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. J Nutr Sci. 2017; 6: e59
[2] Brand-Miller J et al. (2009) Glycaemic index, postprandial glycemia, and the shape of the curve in healthy subjects: analysis of a database of more than 1000 foods. Am J CIin Nutr 89: 97-105.
[3] Mulvihill EE et al. (2016) Citrus Flavonoids as Regulators of Lipoprotein Metabolism and Atherosclerosis. Annu Rev Nutr 36: 275-99.
Sok pomarańczowy w badaniach klinicznych
- Brak niekorzystnego wpływu na poziom glukozy lub insuliny we krwi[4] - Brak statystycznie istotnego związku z ryzykiem wystąpienia cukrzycy typu 2[5]
- Obniżony poziom cholesterolu ogółem i cholesterolu LDL oraz zwiększony poziom cholesterolu HDL[6]
- Zwiększanie poziomów antyoksydantów w organizmie, źródło hesperydyny[7], polifenoli i witamin[8],[9] Brak wyraźnego związku ze zwiększaniem masy ciała[10],[11]
[4] Murphy MM i in. (2017) 100% Fruit juice and measures of glucose control and insulin sensitivity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Journal of Nutritional Science 6 (e59): 1-15
[5] Xi B. i in. (2014) Intake of fruit juice and incidence of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta- analysis. PLoS ONE 9: e93471
[6] Cesar TB i in. (2010) Orange juice decreases low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic subjects and improves lipid transfer to high-density lipoprotein in normal and hypercholesterolemic subjects. Nutr Res 30(10):689-94
[7] Aschoff JK i in. (2016) Urinary excretion of Citrus flavanones and their major catabolites after consumption of fresh oranges and pasteurized orange juice: A randomized cross-over study. Mol Nutr Food Res 60: 2602-2610
[8] Zheng J i in. (2017) Effects and Mechanisms of Fruit and Vegetable Juices on Cardiovascular Diseases. Int J Mol Sci 18(3). pii: E555
[9] Constans J i in. (2015) Marked antioxidant effect of orange juice intake and its phytomicronutrients in a preliminary randomized cross-over trial on mild hypercholesterolemic men. Clin Nutr 34(6):1093-100
[10]Grace KZS i in. (2015) Investigation of cytokines, oxidative stress, metabolic, and inflammatory biomarkers after orange juice consumption by normal and overweight subjects. Food & Nutrition Research 59: 28147
[11] Crowe-White K i in. (2016) Impact of 100% Fruit Juice Consumption on Diet and Weight Status of Children: An Evidence-based Review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 56(5):871-84
[12] Livesey G, et al. (2008) Glycemic response and health – a systematic review and meta-analysis: relations between dietary glycemic properties and health outcomes. Am J CIin Nutr 87: 258S–268S.